Acupuncture continues to be an effective method for various systemic conditions, discomforts and long term illnesses.
Acupuncture has been around for more than 3000 years and continues to have a positive effect on the immune system, nervous system, endocrine, cardiovascular system and digestive system. Today, acupuncture remains an integral part of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) for the means of offering pain relief, addressing mental and physical illnesses while enhancing the body’s own healing mechanism in the recovery process.
In acupuncture tissue and organs are connected through a network of meridian channels. An interruption in the flow of Qi produces pain, illness and disease which leads way to a blockage in the flow of Qi along the pathways causing an imbalance. Acupuncture is useful in preventing various illnesses and managing daily life discomforts and disease symptoms. It’s main focus is to rebalance the flow of Qi by releasing areas where Qi has been blocked. As acupuncture reintroduces the flow of Qi it begins to stimulate and regulate organ functionality while improving the localized area and improving immunity health overall.
Our professionally trained and licensed practitioner will provide an in depth assessment based on your unique internal landscape and a method of treatment will be discussed to address the current imbalance and how acupuncture will gradually improve your quality of life.
Whole Body Acupuncture 60 min session / $275
Facial Acupuncture 60 min session /$150
Coming soon
Aura Métier does accept health insurance for Acupuncture.
Once your coverage is confirmed, we will bill your insurance company directly.
Insurance accepted but not limited to:
- Anthem Blue Cross
- United Health Care
- Cigna Health Care
- Aetna
- Heath Net PPO
- PacifiCare PPO
- Banner Health
- Medicare