
We all have a lifestyle, but is it the fitting one for a holistic way of living. If you want to live a holistic lifestyle, then you must work on yourself. Our way of living can bring us to the point where we can become very disconnected from our true inner selves. Especially for us living in a bustling city.

Life in a busy city isn’t always stress free. We are living a fast paced life with all the noise and work can seem unending. We are the millennials trying to maintain our sanity or we are the lucky bunch that has a family to support along with rent, bills and a dog. We are definitely feeling the struggles weighing in on us. Taking a toll on our mentality, fueling our stressors and our bodies feel constantly out of harmony.

Let’s take a deeper look inwards. How often do you shut the noise out to create your mental haven? Haven’t been feeling well? Think about what kind of foods you’ve been eating. How have you been treating yourself? Do you have a cabinet full of medication just to get by but sometimes nothing really helps. A non-holistic lifestyle can bring us to be disconnected from our true inner selves.

I was overwhelmed thinking about it at first but then I realized I needed to incorporate these small changes into my life. I knew with every fiber in my body that the present moment was the right moment. Then it happened, it finally clicked with just one thought. My one thought turned into a mental story that moved the wheels on my vehicle into living a more balanced life.

People want to live longer lives. We want to feel a deep connection to our soul whether for spiritual reasons or not. We urge to be in touch with our higher selves and feel our inner power. So we do our due diligence and we research and seek options that puts us into the path of health, wellness and self- improvement. Over the last few years there has been a big boom and we have taken notice of those little holistic business that offer a big piece of mind. A way for our mind to escape our daily high tide. When it comes to living a more meaningful life there are many options to choose from, but why choose, I invite you to explore them all if you can. Or at the very least the ones that resonate a deep feeling within you. You’ll soon discover a friendly community of like-minded people who share the same outlook.

I then started my holistic journey. I first started to incorporate better eating habits by picking an array of healthier foods. I actually food prepped for a few days, which I never done so before. In doing so I was more aware of everything I was eating and nothing was super sized. I notably felt healthier in just a few days. It’s almost as if my body purged all those toxins away. Then I made the decision to take a beginners Yoga class. When I took these small steps forward I realize my interest shifted in a positive direction. I began to feel the difference coming from within. I started feeling more in my natural element. Over the next few weeks I was feeling more self-confident. My stress levels decline. I observed myself having more balance and stability with an increase in energy and flexibility. Also for the first time in a very long time; my mind felt clear. Yoga alone has wondrous benefits. After a few weeks of yoga my next step was taking a meditation workshop, which provided me vast information. I even took part in an art class in my community. Which turned out to be gleefully interesting. I made the decision to be outdoors more and soak in some vitamin D straight from source while hiking the trails and enjoying the scenic views. I was naturally being more aware of life in the present moment with every breath I took.

When all of this started it was just a tiny thought for me and hopefully an interesting read for you; while providing you some useful insight. These small steps allowed me to see the big picture. It’s no accident your reading this article. How do you feel at this current moment? Is it because of an awakening, a needed life connection or a change of lifestyle you are looking for. Whatever it may be you are here now. You’ve come to realize how much of your time and health has already been sacrificed. Moving towards these new avenues have tremendous benefits to our health. Simply remember who you are and discover a holistic lifestyle worth loving.

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